将环保理念与创新相结合,普派包装的创新力 “Ekanovation” 为客户提供高附加值的包装解决方案
“更健康的生活方式” 是公司的核心DNA,决定了Eka Global品牌理念和定位。正是基于这样的品牌DNA,我们致力于生产高质量的耐贮存包装,为当代消费者的健康生活提供创新的解决方案。
循环经济的思想围绕消除浪费和优化资源而发展。为了实现这两个目标,创新就介入了。基于Eka Global致力于使消费者“过上更健康的生活方式”的承诺,我们接受了从上游到下游运营的创新,从制造工厂的背面到最终产品,这带来了更大的成就。消费者的利益。结果就是“ Ekanovation”,这是将我们的业务性质与环境和社会价值相结合的创新,使我们成为良好的企业公民
Embedded in our brand DNA, innovation leads us the way toward success and sustainability. Innovation exists in our product features and attributions, as well as our entire business process and practice. It is innovation that will eventually enable us to deliver greater value to all stakeholders and allow them to enjoy enriched lifestyle in a more sustainable way.